Low-end break impasse private enterprises in China shipbuilding industry, the flag ship "COSCO Kawasaki," the Chinese leader made a large seagoing vessel changes were "COSCO" If Nantong "COSCO" of large enterprises, like "Gemini," Yao Liang World shipbuilding night sky, then, in recent years, floating down the Yangtze River in Nantong hundreds of miles more than 30 bank line of private enterprises, such as the sky the stars are also shining.
For a long time, due to size, technology, capital, management, and various constraints, Nantong private shipbuilding enterprise to build barges, mainly general cargo ships and other vessels, and high technology, high added value, large tonnage of high-end ship, few involved. Today, however, is precisely because of COSCO, "Double Star", Nantong private enterprises ship owners have a dream of transcendence.
But this was not enough, the various elements of productive private enterprises ship, eager to faster and more smooth to pour. RSHI President Chen Qiang said that in the construction of the ship mortgage is international practice, but it does not work in the domestic shipbuilding enterprises urgently need financial capital. In addition, Shanghai, Nantong ship test has an advantage, but the procedures are more, if the additional delivery of the Vessel base in Shanghai, ship exports will flow. General Manager Wang Zhinan born in Hong Kong shipping companies argued that the development of the shipbuilding industry, industry associations have existed in name only. In re-associations, should reflect the status of small and medium private enterprises, so that equal communication.
This is a private enterprises ship's "high-end dilemma" is an urgent need to address the "sweet pains."
銆??瓒呭父瑙勫缓璁炬湇鍔¢珮鍦?br />
銆??鍑犱箮涓?涔嬮棿锛屽崡閫氬ぉ鐢熸腐瑗块儴銆佸鐨嬮暱闈掓矙銆佸惎涓滄部姹熺瓑鏈紑杈熻埅閬撶殑宀哥嚎锛屽啋鍑轰簡澶氬鍏峰3鑷?涓囧惃绾ч?鑸硅兘鍔涚殑閫犺埞浼佷笟锛屽叏鍥界綍瑙侊紝鐪肩湅鐫?鍗曢鍚戝崡閫氾紝寮曡捣姹熷崡浠ュ強娴欐睙绛夊湴閫犺埞浼佷笟涓讳滑杩炶繛鎯婂懠銆?br />
Not open water, no open channel, nor even the ship terminal opened, but in a short time one by one. Last year in March, Keppel Corporation, Singapore Maritime inject 45 million yuan, the overall purchase Nantong Shipyard, senior manager, said Li Gang, Chinese and Nantong in the development of shipbuilding industry the unique location advantage at the same time, Nantong Maritime Bureau, the courage Gangzha District and other government departments responsibility to actively create conditions to promote enterprise extraordinary development, the investment is the key. "Born in Hong Kong the number of channels such as shipbuilding and marine waters of scale, have more than channel stand, and new ships into the water and transfer of existing legal and security barriers, we actively seek the support of Jiangsu Maritime Safety Administration, through scientific argumentation, to create conditions for protection launching the new ship and transition. "Nantong Maritime Bureau said the Secretary Xiufeng.
銆??鈥滄垚涔熸睙宀革紝璐ヤ篃姹熷哺鈥濄?鍗楅?澶╃敓娓タ閮ㄦ按閬撱?闀块潚娌欍?鍚笢娌挎睙姘村煙浠嶆湭寮??鑸亾锛屽嚭璺棶棰樿涓?壒娌挎睙閫犺埞浼佷笟鎻績銆?Marine Department said it would strengthen the sea with Shanghai Maritime Safety Administration test Battalion communication and collaboration channel Qidong city to actively promote building of the sea. At present, the Shanghai Maritime Safety Administration of the sea test unit has begun testing the waters sweep, channel opening work is progressing steadily.瀵逛簬鍒剁害鍜屽奖鍝嶇浉鍏抽?鑸逛紒涓氬彂灞曠殑闀块潚娌欍?澶╃敓娓タ閮ㄦ按鍩熻埅閬擄紝姝e崗鍚屽幙甯?鍖?鏀垮簻鍜岀浉鍏充紒涓氳繘琛岃璇佽皟鐮旓紝缁勭粐鍔涢噺杩涜鎵祴锛屽苟绉瀬浜夊彇鑸亾閮ㄩ棬鐨勬敮鎸侊紝淇冧娇鑸亾鏃╂棩寮??銆?br />
銆??瓒呭父鏈嶅姟锛屽張宀傛鏄哺绾裤?鑸亾?甯傜粡璐稿鍓富浠绘潨姘告湞鎻愬嚭锛屽崡閫氳埞鑸跺伐涓氬彂灞曞簲閲囩敤鈥?鍔燲鈥濇ā寮忥紝鍗充互涓繙宸濆磶銆佺啍鐩涢噸宸ャ?鍚夊疂鑸硅埗杩欎笁瀹朵紒涓氫负鏍稿績锛岄噸鐐瑰彂灞曟皯钀ラ?鑸逛紒涓氾紝搴旀妸鐗╂祦涓氬拰鑸硅埗鍙婂叾閰嶅浜у搧甯傚満寤鸿锛屼綔涓鸿埞鑸跺伐涓氬彂灞曠殑涓ょ考锛岀潃鍔涘煿鑲层? In the Vocational Technical College, City metallurgical technology services company expanded model ship recruitment, training high-quality welding and other labor the same time, the ship opened in Nantong University, Engineering, established in Nantong, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai Maritime University and other institutions of higher learning training points professional training for more than engineers.
銆??鐪佸涔﹁鏉庢簮娼姹傦紝鍏氬銆佹斂搴滃簲鍔╂帹閫犺埞浼佷笟鍥介檯鍖栵紝鐔旂洓瑕佷簤鍙栧埌缇庡浗涓婂競锛屽湪绾界害璇佸埜浜ゆ槗鎵?笂甯傦紝鍊熷姪鍥介檯閲戣瀺璧勬湰鍙戝睍鍗楅?鐨勯噸澶ц澶囦笟锛屽崡閫氬氨瑕佹悶杩欐牱鐨勯噸澶ц澶囦笟銆?China Shipbuilding Industry Association, said Zhang Guangqin, shipbuilding industry in the past were state-owned enterprises, currently the dominant three major state-owned group, Nantong Yangtze River Delta and even the rise of private shipbuilding company to set up in private enterprises as the core of China's fourth largest shipbuilding group is possible in such a new arena, we look forward to Nantong private shipbuilding enterprise listed overseas.
Supporting the development of ship park
Gangzha District Chen Qiaozhen heat up.璧拌繘闈㈢Н杈?7.6骞虫柟鍏噷娓椄鑸硅埗閰嶅宸ヤ笟鍖猴紝閫氬煄璺?椹汉璺瓑鏂板缓閬撹矾绗旂洿瀹介様锛岄挗缁撴瀯浠跺洯銆侀厤濂椾骇涓氬洯銆佷腑灏忎紒涓氬洯銆佺墿娴佸洯鍖轰互鍙婄爺鍙戜腑蹇冧簳鐒舵湁搴忋? Gangzha District Vice Mayor Zhu Guihua, at present the infrastructure investment has reached 250 million yuan, to attract ships to China and Japan, South fly Heavy Industries, a large number of companies such as Kirin Heavy settled.
銆??鏍规嵁鍖轰綅鐗圭偣銆佷骇涓氬熀纭?拰鎵胯浇鑳藉姏绛夋儏鍐碉紝閲嶇偣鍙戝睍鐨勯挗缁撴瀯浠躲?澶у瀷闃?棬銆侀敋閾剧瓑椤圭洰锛屾腐闂稿尯绉戝閫夋嫨浜т笟鍔熻兘瀹氫綅锛岃蛋閿欎綅绔炰簤銆佸樊寮傚寲鍙戝睍涔嬭矾銆?This, in turn with the Municipal Committee, vice mayor of Blue Shaomin recent study related to the European shipbuilding industry. In his view, the development of shipbuilding industry, ship equipment industry to be bigger and stronger. Efforts to promote the shipbuilding industry supporting Park to create Marine Equipment industry development platform is essential.
Low level of marine equipment at home, is striving to be China Nantong "shipbuilding city" of the "bottleneck." Value composition from a single vessel, combined with the current experience of the city part of the shipbuilding enterprise data analysis, material costs account for 80%% 10%% of labor costs and other costs 10%%. In accounting for the bulk of the materials, the ship manufacturing companies supporting the city's rate of about 8%%, outside the city matching rate of 20%%, matching rate of 72%% abroad, with Europe and other regions matching rate of 90%%, far from home. Only final assembly and integration, there is no supporting simultaneous development of industry, shipbuilding industry can only be "short-legged economy" can not be enduring.
It is gratifying that this situation began to change.浠婂勾3鏈堬紝涓栫晫鏈?ぇ鐨勬腐鍙f満姊扮敓浜у巶瀹朵笂娴锋尟鍗庢腐鏈猴紝钀芥埛寮?彂鍖烘捣娲嬭澶囧伐涓氬洯銆備互澶у瀷娓彛鏈烘璁惧銆佸ぇ椹姏涓?浣庨?鑸圭敤鏌存补鏈哄強鍏惰緟鍔╄澶囥?鑸圭敤鐢靛瓙鎺у埗绯荤粺鍜屽鑸澶囥?鏈鸿埍鑷姩鍖栫郴缁熶负涓绘敾鏂瑰悜锛屽紑鍙戝尯娴锋磱瑁呭宸ヤ笟鍥紝灏嗘垚涓哄崡閫氳埞鑸堕厤濂楀伐涓氬彂灞曠殑閲嶈澧為暱鏋併? Development Party Work Committee, Management Committee Director Chen of new confidence.
According to reports, the production base in Nantong Zhenhua Port Machinery total investment of 30 billion yuan put into production, annual output of 100 bridge crane, bridge container field 200 and a large offshore oil platform 50, the annual turnover of 1.5 billion U.S. dollars above. Among them, single-gear box, a project covering about 500 acres, completed an annual output of 20,000 sets of various major gear box, the annual output value of 1.6 billion or more, can significantly enhance China's own brands of large capacity of gear box.
Shipping supporting Gangzha District Industrial Zone, Development Zone, Industrial Park, marine equipment, and Qidong Binhai Industrial Park construction of ships, will greatly promote the marine equipment manufacturing industry cluster development, coordinated development and leapfrog development. Yong Du, deputy director of the Urban Economic and Trade Commission said the DPRK is currently the three parks have been approved by the Work Committee for National Defense, is expected to become a national ship supporting industrial park.
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